Bashko Trybek : Serpent



Etagère murale modulable Serpent créée par le designer polonais Bashko Trybek.

About : “Ser­pent is a mod­u­lar shelving sys­tem which gives the user an oppor­tun­ity to choose the desired dimen­sions of the shelf. It also allows to com­bine and arrange the shelves to fit vari­ous interi­ors and spaces. The idea of the struc­ture gives numer­ous usage pos­sib­il­it­ies by modi­fy­ing the dimen­sions of the shelves and wires and adjust­ing them to diverse spaces. The struc­ture is plain and makes the product sus­tain­able and easy to recycle.”


1 Comment

  • Prof Z
    13 years ago

    ….cela plait aux decorateurs, aux home stagers,aux blogueurs influents
    ( vincent Bed, yatzer)…. aux diy/ bricoleurs ?

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