Zitta Schnitt : Diamond Tower Vase

Created by Vienna based designer Zitta Schnitt, the elegant Diamond Tower vase is composed of a hand-blown glass bottom part, topped by a delicate diamond-shaped grid, which acts as placeholder for single flowers.

This vase is meant to exist as an independent object in a room, even when it is not in use. The closed design of the object turns it into a small architectural unit of its own right, even when the vase is empty and would be put away to storage. Based on the natural purity of the materials and the subtle color choice, the vase obtains a natural elegance.

Materials: Hand blown glass, Brass (gold chromed, silver chromed, white powder coated)

Through the systematically arranged cell decor and the calculated angles, a large circular arc will be created with a flowers bouquet. To generate an aesthetic composition, the number of flowers can be reduced down to personal taste.

Photos © Paris Tsitsos

+ Via Zitta Schnitt

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