Erigée au 16ème siècle pour un maître brasseur, cette impressionnante demeure riche d’histoire a connu au fil des décennies transformations et rénovation diverses. En résulte une architecture et un design intérieur magnifiquement hétéroclites.
About : “Walking through this impressive house is like making a time travel from the Middle Ages to the present time.The history of this new mansion dates back to the 16th century when the building was erected as a brewer’s house. Over the years, the house has known quite some alterations and renovations, resulting in a different ambience in each room. Thanks to its rich history and the various building campaigns over the years, the house became very diverse and valuable. Also the garden was completely restyled in collaboration with a scenic architect.”
Photos © Tim Van de Velde
+ Via OWI
c’est superbe et inspirant… les contrastes de style sont étonnants. j’veux la même baignoire!
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i think que c’est bien, super bien, même. Et que le blog est amazing, voilà.