Hi everyone, so I’m back from NYC, once again. And once again, I had the most fabulous time ever ! There is just that irresistible ‘je-ne-sais-quoi‘ that makes this city incomparable to any other. Yes, you guessed, I ♥ NYC.
About a month and a half ago, I thought I’d give myself a (well-deserved) little break, booked a ticket and finally grabbed my passport to visit my best friend for two weeks. Like last year, I have wandered the city pretty much randomly. That’s what I like to do when I travel – I don’t always go for the classic touristy tours but simply enjoy living like a local. Eyes and ears wide open, I have filled myself with inspirational venues and people. This year, that included a lot of food eating, caffe latte drinking, Thanksgiving partying and birthday wishing – just turned 36…
So here is my almost-like-a-real-New-Yorker wanderings. If you interested in getting the locations and details, please visit my Instagram, pretty much all photos are on there.
Laura, Leo, Roberto and Paolo, thank you for always making me feel home away from home,
Hope you enjoy the tour… Speak soon, xo Flo
All photos NYC nov 2013 © Florence Deau + http://instagram.com/flodeau + Maxime M. (the birthday candel)
the first picture is SO PERFECT!
Merci, beaucoup!
Magnifiques photos. Bravo.
On voit que vous l’aimer cette ville. Vos prises de vue font transparaître sa beauté.