Timothy Liles : New New England Collection

New New England Collection par le designer américain Timothy Liles.

Sweetser lamp

Locally sourced and hand-pounded black ash, textile-covered cord, plastic socket; 52″ x 16″ diameter

A peaceful, woven lamp made in the tradition of the basket-making Sweetser family of Northern New Hampshire. Solid ash legs incorporated into the weave turn the basket into a lampshade and the textile-covered cord informs the object as a modern light.

This lamp was lovingly made, from tree to finished product, by Bill and Sherry Gould of Bradford, NH: westernabenakibaskets.com

Braid Dead Rug

100% hand-braided, hand-laced wool; 96″ x 84″

A modern pop icon paired with a tradition of technique. This is a thick, double-sided, wool rug that will without a doubt last a lifetime.

A modern heirloom. This rug is made by the extremely skilled staff at the County Braid House in Tilton, NH: countrybraidhouse.com

Crested Comb-back Chair
Domestic maple, milk paint; 34″ x 16″ x 16″

An understated, three-legged wooden chair with a sash of color.An exploration of the straight-forward joinery found in a classic Windsor and how the form can be pared down and modernized. This chair is made by Fred Chellis of Little River Windsors in Berwick, ME: littleriverwindsors.com

About the collection : “New New England” is a series influenced by traditional American craft aimed at connecting consumers with the source of their products, bringing maker and user closer together.

Consumers deserve deeper connections to the places and the people their products come from and that our emotional ties, nostalgia, and pride associated with our material things are what makes them worth having.

Every piece in this collection is produced end-to-end within New England in collaboration with true craftsmen and craftswomen who imbue their objects with all the love and respect that honest hand-work is capable.

Photos © Timothy Liles

+ Via @Timothy Liles

1 Comment

  • isabel
    14 years ago

    I like very much the
    braid Dead Rug

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