Tonia Bell : Nine Lives

Nine lives est un petit label de mobilier et de textile créé par la jeune designer australienne Tonia Bell originaire de Sydney. Elle récupère, déconstruit, transforme et redonne vie à des meubles abandonnés. Un très beau projet, superbement mis en scène. Intrinsèquement poétique et philosophique, loin des modes et des tendances.

About : Nine lives is a small Sydney based furniture and textile label specialising in the act of furniture hacking. Nine lives devours and deconstructs abandoned pieces of furniture, stripping the flesh from it’s bones to expose the true, genuine and unique qualities that lie within.

“Matcham” couch

Nine Lives, believe that everything has value—combine this idea with instinct, creative reuse, followed by an appreciation of the raw and imperfect, and you’ve got the Nine Lives vision of reincarnation. Nine Lives promotes a sense of ingenuity, and an emphasis on handcrafted one-of-a-kind works that have one foot in a culture of integrity and style, the other in practicality.

“Cross-Roads” coffee table

Nine Lives was founded in 2011, in an effort to stretch boundaries and explore how we construct the world around us. The aim was to inspire a shift towards a new design movement of carefree romanticism, by creating a brand that was free from critiques and trend forecasts.

“Outsider” chair


“The concept of reincarnation requires that all souls are created and annihilated simultaneously, in a single event. In keeping with the fundamental principle that energy must remain constant in the universe—no more, no less—souls too must remain at a constant number. This ideology can be interpreted as a metaphor for the global issue of the throwaway culture. The earth has been moving at an alarming pace towards a bleak future of irreversible damage. For the past 20 years we have been exceeding the Earths ability to support our lifestyles. The excessive consumption of natural resources has to stop—in its place new practices that reinforce a balance between consumption, and the world’s natural capacity to regenerate and absorb our waste needs to be carried out.” (Leape, 2006)

Nine Lives is Tonia Bell’s major work for her B Design in 2011.

Photos + video © Tonia Bell

+ Via Tonia Bell & Nine Lives blog


  • 14 years ago

    La soustraction, y a que ça de vrai.
    Et faire zigzaguer les bandes souples pour économiser des agrafes, ça c’est de l’ingéniosité révélée!

  • Prof Z
    14 years ago

    Hey Jo (Yana), pas là

  • 14 years ago

    J’adore .. +1 pour le clip également :)

  • janus milo
    14 years ago

    ExXxcellente démarche!……le clip est très explicite.

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