It’s time to forget about text-messaging or emailing and grab a pen!
French graphic designers duet Ich&Kar is back with another offbeat and clever project : TIME Courrier Distingué is a series of elegant and refined invitation stationary designed for each ‘important’ hour of the day – brunch, tea time, aperitif and dinner. If you plan to invite outside these hours, you can always use the Just Free card and let your imagination flow! Sending a proper and real-paper Bristol invitation with a twist can be a touching and simple gesture. And it makes us – finally! – forget about the digital world… for a while.
About – Fini les les invation par SMS et courriels… Quoi de plus élégant que d’inviter ses amis avec un bristol. Ich&Kar élargit la palette de sa collection «courrier distingué» avec Time cartons d’invitations raffinées pour brunch, goûter, apéritif ou dîner… Hop, un carton d’invitation posté, un geste simple, décalé, qui ne manquera pas de toucher.
Buy them here !
Photos © Ich&Kar