Walk The Walk est la nouvelle collection d’objets imaginés par l’orfèvre et designer suédois, David Taylor. Entre tradition et modernité, il sublime et mêle métaux précieux et matériaux bruts avec humour et poésie, loin des idées reçues. Cette collection sera exposée du 17 septembre au 4 octobre au Konsthantverkarna à Stockholm.
PLATTER copper, brass and concrete
About : “Risk lies at the core of crafts, risk of failure always accompanies new discovery, new beauty. In his forthcoming exhibition “Walk the Walk” at Konsthantverkarna in Stockholm, David Taylor presents a cohesive body of work developed by whim and impulse at the workbench. By following a notion, working by ear and improvising with unexpected materials without fuss and undue analysis Taylor gives us an insight into the importance of intuitive knowledge, that “gut feeling” which is often more relevant than we can appreciate.
Walk the Walk is a tightly knit family of objects where Taylor’s signature style has been broadened with materials and techniques rarely seen in his work. Concrete meets silver the precise and timeless encounter the modern and impermanent. This latest edition from Taylor’s workshop is made with a clarity of intention and a conviction in execution, that leaves not doubt the author can not only talk the talk, but knows a thing or two about walking the walk.” Petter Eklund
DISH, galvanised steel, leather, brass
CANDLESTICK, concrete, silver
Thank you David for your submission.
Photos © David Taylor