Pillows on a sofa or a bed are like the icing on a cake. They offer a simple and low cost way to revitalize a couch without having to buy a whole new one and a chance to bring in a new aesthetic into a bedroom.
From eclectic variations of different patterns and colors to varying sizes and shapes, online store Yellow Velvet offers a great variety of beautiful designer labeled cushions and pillows that will surely match your individual design style and creativity. Among my favorites : Donna Wilson, Charlene Mullen, Scholten & Baijings, Anaïs Legendre, Marie Rouillier, Raphaëlle H’limi and Tine Holt Møller et Barbara Hvidt.
Photos © Yellow Velvet
Chère Florence, quel plaisir de découvrir vote billet sur Yellow Velvet, je suis fan de votre blog et du coup très fière.
Un grand merci.