Quick Dose of Inspiration #40

Deep-sea shelf by nendo for Glas ItaliaHello, here is this weekend’s dose of (random) inspiration. See you around, xo Flo

Above – Deep-sea shelf by nendo for Glas Italia


Specimen Series Exhibition by Do-Ho SuhSculpting with polyester: examining the meaning of Home, Specimen Series Exhibition by Do-Ho Suh + via Mocoloco

panorama_sofa_joao_kaarah_02Panorama Sofa by João Kaarah + via Mocoloco

Loaves-Fishes chair by Alessandro ZambelliLoaves&Fishes chair by Alessandro Zambelli – on display at MAC Contemporary Art Museum in Lissone (a small city in Milano’s suburb) from 19 October to 1 December, as part of the exhibition “(1:13) – The Thirteen Chairs Leonardo Never Painted in the Last Supper”

Landscape side table by India Mahdavi in collaboration with Carwan GalleryLandscape side table by India Mahdavi in collaboration with Carwan Gallery

Love Chair Mint chair by The Family Love TreeLove Chair Mint chair by The Family Love Tree

timber_tables_vincent_tarisien_02Timber tables by Vincent Tarisien + via Mocoloco

CoffeeCups 02 by Mattia BoscoCoffeeCups 02 by Mattia Bosco at MY.PROTOTYPE (the first online platform dedicated to the collection and study of the world of prototypes and models)

Dumba chair by Antonio AricoDumba chair by Antonio Aricò at MY.PROTOTYPE

sekki cutlery by nendoSekki cutlery by nendo + via Mocoloco

Black Drawing Set by Jonathan Dorthe for Atelier-DBlack Drawing Set by Jonathan Dorthe for Atelier-D

Woodsman Axe dining table by Christopher Duffy for Duffy LondonWoodsman Axe dining table by Christopher Duffy for Duffy London

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